The Artist


Born in 1938 in Bilbao (Vizcaya), he's been student of the Picassiana school of Juan Mirò. His beginnings connect him tightly with the Ortega painter.

Famous in Italy, Spain, Mexico and France for his fantastic inspiration and surrealistic works . He began to paint at 19 years in Bilbao, with the painter Ortega, selling his pictures in order to help the asturian miners: social realism to demonstration of his own solidarity with the miners of the Asturias.

But his life was not easy. Escaped from home as a result of political contrasts with his father, he moved to Mexico where he adapted himself, for living, to humble trades, but continuing painting as aid of Siquieros, assimilating his way in representing the horrors of the dictatorship of the peones. Returned in Spain, he began to use the paint-brush against Franco's regimen, he was arrested and confined for some time in a concentration camp. Freed, he left again.

His collaboration with the master Ortega, he began with him painting among the roads of Vizcaya, induced him, in 1964, to move to Paris where he still worked in the study of the master.

Past definitely in Italy, he improved his studies to the academy of Brera under the guide of Master Usellini.

Very numerous the exhibitions, the contests, the prizes which he has participated, always achieve the most prestigious recognitions.

His artistic formation, even if sensitive to the social realism of Ortega, goes back to Juan Mirò's stock. He's therefore an artist that extends to transfigure the visual elements in virtue of the color and the light to reach a fantastic vision in which reality engages a new dimension and it's confused with the dream.

Also very interesting his technique researches that invest also the graphics and sculpture fields, for which his art has aroused lively curiosity in critical circles too, earning the attention of many accredited competent.

In 1982 the master has retired to private life participating more and more rarely to exhibitions or contests.

In 1983 he's moved to Goito (Mantua) where he's continued his artistic studies and, for request of many companies of insurance and collectors, he's realized varied copies of old masters. For more informations consult the relative page.

Gutierrez De Velasco Fernando

has died on April 5 2002 at 23:45 in Castiglione Delle Stiviere (Mantua) Hospital for an aggravation of the cerebral disease after have entered in coma on April 3.


The surrealism of Juan Mirò and the realism of Ortega, which is added the suggestion practiced on the artist by the mighty realistic-social symbology of Siqueires, beside who he worked after a first political escape from Spain, constitute the base on which has been built, in manner quite autonomous, the painting of Gutierrez De Velasco Fernando.

The mentioned components are easily recognizable in his art, but the creative inspiration of our master has projected them in quite unpublished directions, on the other hand, they reveal the insatiability of his searches because they never rest on an initial or a formula, but they appear prey of a continuous transfiguration with the intent of make imagination could space in more and more vast and unpredictable fields.

Of course, to realize similar intents, it is necessary to possess an inexhaustible creative inspiration and it is quite this characteristic that we find, in manner as never evident, in the painting of the Spanish exile become Italian for election.

The intensity of his color is equal to the unforeseeability of his intuitions, that mainly places trust in the dream and in the memory to stimulate evocations from which the existential contradictions derive a their own puzzling coherence of style.

Pier Arturo Sangiergi


The painting of Fernando creates in who observes it an intense attraction: its colorful and harmonic world has the force to leave, in who observes it, a deep memory of poetry and in some cases a deep emotion and meditation too.

He is a prepared artist talented with a particular general culture: a liveliest temperament and a little revolutionary too, he's impressed all his works with that enthusiasm and conviction that have made of him an artist of great notoriety and have been worth him widespread success of critic and admiration by numerous collectors.


Gold Medal of the President Of The Italian Republic at the City Prize in Recanati

Gold Medal at the Sassoferrato Prize


The Acquires Prize at "Small Europe"


Participated "Aerial Cruise of the Italian Painters in Canada", Montreal

1° Contest of Painting "Olimpia" Cultural Circle "F. De Sanctis", Milan


Gold Medal of "Quadrato": Invited at the Third International Biennial of Sacred Art, Sora

Season 1971 from Funi to Fontana with Rossi, Frai, Labò, Terruso, Gutiérrez, Crippa, Scanavino, Cusumano, Keizo, series of Collective in Italy

Invited "Biennial of United Europe Painting" Bergamo

Winning "Exhibition of the Camelie" Globarte, Milan

Present for invitation "Panorama de la Peinture Italienne" at the gallery "Lettres et Artes" in Nice

Presented like space painter at the International Dateline Hotel, Niku'Alofa, Tonga


Named Academic Painter and Sculptor of the Tiberina Academy, Institute of University Culture and of Superior Studies

Invited at the "Les Editions de la Revue modern", Paris

Invited by Tourism Assessorship, Milan. Party of the "Naviglio": collective Gallery of Modern Art "Il Cerchio," Milan

Invited "Biennal D'Arte Italienne 1972," Paris

Invited Gallery "Les lettres et les Arts" in Menton

4th National Review of Painting "Preimio Sant'Ambroeus" Winning Ambrogino silver medal of the "Bottega D'Arte Sant'Ambroeus" in Milan

Invited "International Exhibition of Basilea Art": plates and varied "Il Pentacolo", Milan.


Invited "Colosseum prize 1973", Rome

"Review of Contemporary Art" Museum of Modern Art, Dubrovnik ex-Jugoslavia

Invited "Il Tabernacolo in Rome"

2nd Exhibition "Impressions of a trip". Cultural trip to Malta

Invited 2nd Prize of International Painting at Lago Maggiore "Homage to Gianfilippo Usellini"

Invited "3rd National Contest of Painting City of Parma"

Winning with dipoloma and medal City of Viareggio "Centenary of the Carnival"

3rd National Prize of Painting Colors in the winter

Winning with diploma and plate of Special signaling 2nd edition of the International Prize of Painting "Il Pavone D'Oro 1973"

Winning 3rd Prize at the 1st International Contest of Painting "La Tavolozza D'Oro Marcona 73", Milan.

Participated the first extemporaneous contest of painting "Luna Park permanente Varesine, Milan": Gallery "Room of the Muses", Milan


Personal exhibition to the Lascaux Gallery in Brugherio

1st Absolute Prize "Presences of the '74" in the National Museum of the Science and of the Technique in Milan, succession by an exhibition "Foreign to Milan"


Special prize "Il Trofeo Internazionale Raffaello" Museum of the Science and of the Technique, Milan

"La Palma d'oro 1977" City of Sanremo and Plate European Community A.C.

Named Master of Art at the Academy of Superior Studies "Minerva", Geneva


Prix de Peinture Ville de Fecamp

The Galerie "La Poterie" with exhibition

Gold Medal at Cesano Maderno


Winning at the Museum of Modern Art at S. Givanni Bono in Cesena

Biennial of Monza (Milan) winning with the "Iron Crown"

Cavalletto d'Oro in Milan

Trophy "Selene Art 1981," 1st Prize


1st International Prize "Italian Blue Athletes"


Personal Exhibition at Valeggio Sul Mincio, Mantua

In 1982 the master has retired to private life participating more and more rarely to exhibitions or contests.

In 1983 he's moved to Goito (Mantua) where he's continued his artistic studies and, for request of many companies of insurance and collectors, he's realized varied copies of old masters. For more informations consult the relative page.

Diritti d'Autore • Gutierrez Mercuriali Fernando Xavier
art. 2575 c.c. • legge 22 aprile 1941 n°633

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